Can we treat behavior disorders with osteopathy? Normally, this is not the first indication, but the following case illustrates the potential of manipulation in this type of problem.
Dixie is a 14 month old female Chihuahua. She has, since her arrival in the family, serious behavior disorders:
– Hyperattachement,
– Separation anxiety,
– Bulimia: she eats everything that she finds,
– She shows excessive fear or totally unexplained aggression.
Initially, the owners thought it was normal behavior for a puppy, but with time, symptoms worsen and start to cause problems in daily life. Unable to administer any medicine to their dog, they bring her for an osteopathic consultation. The reason for consultation is, to say the least original, since the dog is seemingly without any physical disorder, which is confirmed by clinical examination, apart from being overweight (2kg 900).
The osteopathic examination reveals nothing structural, except the T13 and the diaphragm which are dysfunctional. In contrast, the visceral table is very rich: small intestine, stomach, right kidney, pituitary gland, thyroid, adrenal and navel are restricted in their mobility. At cranial, the limbic system, tested as an organ, is also greatly disturbe , especially the fornix, thalamus, hypothalamus and tonsils.
Studies in humans show that the hypothalamus is an organ of integration, the seat of control of thirst, hunger, temperature and regulates the pituitary gland. Electrical stimulation in the lateral part of the posterior hypothalamus causes fits of rage and aggression, which stop at the end of stimulation. It can also trigger a fear response by that action. The ventromedial hypothalamic nuclei lesion of the hippocampus, which controls the post lateral area of the hypothalamus, causes a chronic emotional hyperactivity.
Tonsils play an important role in anxiety disorders. They are heavily involved in the emotional component of memories.
Dysfunctions observed in Dixie aptly explain her troubles, which occurred early. Indeed, the breeding conditions were not ideal: the dog is from a “family” farm where pups are born and raised in the kitchen, in a cage, in the presence of two big dogs and infant children.
The treatment required several meetings and has been aimed to work only on the limbic system. The correction of dysfunction at this level was sufficient to restore visceral mobility.
One month after the first manipulation, the dog has lost 500g, but it’s only after the second meeting that significant changes occur:
-Disappearance of bulimia,
-Decreased anxiety, fear and aggression,
– Further improved by a third meeting.
The results obtained in this case are interesting but need to be confirmed by other examples, this channel is as yet underutilized.