For most pet owners, “os”téopath means in first “treatment of bones”, vertebrae, mechanical or segmental problems. What is less known is that osteopathic manipulation, while restoring the mobility of segments and visceral organs, acts primarily on nerve impulses from the autonomous nervous system which self-reorganizes itself after receiving a “signal” by manipulation. The practitioner can claim to treat vertebral problems, but also visceral, muscular or… nervous ones. SPEED’s case illustrates perfectly this last aspect of osteopathy and combines osteopathic techniques and knowledge in Chinese medicine.
SPEED is a 14 year-old ex-galloper and steeplechaser used for recreational sports (dressage, jumping, cross country). For one month, his woman rider has noticed a change in gait (trot and gallop), which has become disjointed and uncomfortable. The horse presents difficulty in walking right handed and after working he presents an abnormal sweating in areas without contact with the saddle or saddle cloth. The entire area of the neck to the tip of the elbow is very wet on both sides but especially at the right.
The sweating was first blamed on the winter coat and outside temperatures then has been linked to gait irregularities which led to the osteopathic consultation.
SPEED Picture 1: View of sweating areas and part of the journey of meridian acupuncture “triple burner” in the horse.
The osteopathic examination showed a light cranial facial tension, to the right, which continues above the right eye at the acupuncture point Triple Burner 22 (TR = autonomous NS – Sympathetic) cf picture 2.
SPEED Picture 2: The point felt in “energy gap” and corresponding to TR 22.
Few significant vertebral dysfunctions:
– C1 in right rotation, T1 in marked lateral flexion, L1 in left rotation.
– At the visceral level, there is slight tension in the forward diaphragm. The energy corresponding to the triple burner is in very marked dysfunction. The small intestine is slightly reactive (information taken, the horse should be wormed). The sacrum is normally mobile and the iliac bones relatively symmetrical.
The summary of observations allows us to rebuild the chain of dysfunction: this horse has a marked dysfunction at the entrance to the chest that causes:
– T1 (and the first rib rather than the thoracic vertebra itself) then C1 and L1 as adaptive response.
– The brachial plexus with an impact on the autonomous nervous system by the “triple burner”.
The highlight of this consultation is the approximation made between the sweating area and the journey of the meridian “TB” (cf picture 1), which corresponds exactly to the very wet areas and ends above the eyes where, with a little experience, we can detect an energy gap (point TB 22).
Treatments consisted of:
– Functional work on sympathetic SN (TB) with release of the brachial plexus.
– Functional work (energetic) on the journey of the meridian corresponding to triple burner.
– Structural release of the first ribs on the right, by gentle traction on the right forelimb. Palpation under the shoulder to the right ribs.
– Functional work on the small intestine and final relaxation of the C1.
Control: After manipulation, the tension to the right has disappeared. The three reactional vertebras took over a symmetrical movement. The diaphragm shows a very wide movement.
To be checked after working in arena to see if the sweating reappears.
The next evening, after an hour of working with very mild temperatures for the season, the woman rider reported a dramatic change of gaits that have again become flexible (and comfortable!) and found an easy right hand.
Returning to the box, no abnormal sweating is noted (cf picture 3): the neck is completely dry on both sides. Areas of sweat are normal in contact with the harnessing (girth place).
SPEED Picture 3: 36 h after manipulation and one hour of work: no trace of sweat on the right side of the neck.
This case shows that osteopathy can also solve cases of nervous dysfunction associated with the disruption of the sympathetic nervous system resulting in cutaneous manifestations such as sweating. The combination with elements of Chinese medicine can make the link between the affected areas and the pathogenesis of the problems.